60 Life lessons

A Perfect Walk offers sixty “life lessons” and very practical tips that will help you or a loved one who is struggling.

  1. Life is a gift, too short to waste time in worry. You can either enjoy or destroy your life by how you choose to view and use your experiences. Practice making the most of every moment.

  2. Do not play with sticks!

  3. Don’t hold grudges. Forgiveness is healing and freeing.

  4. Don’t take your health for granted.

  5. Forgiveness is mandatory for your own emotional and mental healing.

  6. Surviving and thriving in life have a lot to do with being mentally tough and maintaining a positive attitude.

  7. You are not defined by what you’ve done or experienced or by what you possess or pursue.

  8. Know your mental and physical health. No one can take care of you like you.

  9. Change is a choice.

  10. Dysfunction in one’s youth can cause undue emotional stress on a child.

  11. Parents are vital in the life of a child. A child needs their mother and father.

  12. Wherever you are in life, no matter your age, don’t let fear hinder you from pursuing your goals and dreams.

  13. Perpetually living in survival mode consumes the mental energy needed to achieve responsibilities and the things that don’t come naturally to us.

  14. We’re each wired uniquely to fulfill a different purpose.

  15. Trying to please others only makes you dislike yourself and steers you off course.

  16. Life is full of ups and downs, successes and failures.

  17. You can’t get this time in your life back, so make the most of every day.

  18. Determination is a mind-set of choice – ideally toward things that are good and healthy.

  19. Lies will one day be found out. Telling the truth is much easier and certainly wiser.

  20. Let go of caring what others think! Find your passion and pursue it!

  21. Countless varieties of work are either compatible to your unique wiring and will encourage your mental health…or outside your wiring and will incite greater distress and illness.

  22. One day at a time, one moment at a time. Break down the bigger picture that overwhelms you and practice pursuing the smaller, more manageable steps.

  23. A healthy support system will help you through the difficult times.

  24. Look for work that is fitting to the way you’re uniquely wired.

  25. Nothing good comes from intoxication with alcohol or drugs.

  26. Anger is a God-created emotion and at times justified. The key is how we choose to use our anger. It can be productive or destructive.

  27. We may not agree with authority, but we need to respect it.

  28. Overconsumption of alcohol and mixing beer and liquor are not wise or godly because we lose our self-control.

  29. When we give up control of our minds and bodies to foreign substances, we make poor decisions. Know your alcohol limit. Self-control is key.

  30. Answers are found in health and holiness of mind, body, and spirit, and these begin with a new mind-set: recognizing that we need a Savior and His empowering Spirit.

  31. Not all of us are marriage material, but each of us can be used by God.

  32. Willows are one of the most popular tree species in the United States. Highly resistant to diseases and temperature changes, they can thrive in many different climates. They are also one of the best species of privacy tree as their distinctive leaves create a lot of coverage for your property. They grow very quickly – up to six feet per year – and can live for up to 30 years. The willow tree, however, is also somewhat high-maintenance; their roots are famously aggressive in their search for water and can damage pipes and pavement if not properly controlled. Their fast growth also means they require more pruning than most other trees.

  33. Read God’s Word regularly. Write and read your positive affirmations and gratitude list.

  34. It’s at the juncture of true self-assessment and realizing God’s love and sacrifice that we can move forward with no regrets, no looking back, made free.

  35. Work hard, save money, pay off debt as soon as possible, and do not try to keep up with the Joneses (material things do not buy happiness).

  36. Be thankful for the life and mind you have.

  37. Those who sincerely accept Jesus as Savior are not alone.

  38. We are to read and meditate on God’s Word.

  39. If we can love our pets so deeply, just think how much deeper God’s love is for us!

  40. We need to be thankful to for all we have. Even in our darkness and thorns, whatever they may be, there is so  much to be thankful for.

  41. All the little changes we choose to make day after day add up to a much healthier life.

  42. Pray through the dark times while focusing on breathing: inhale deeply and slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Be present in the moment.

  43. Talk with someone who is supportive and trusting. If you don’t have such a person in your life, become active with a biblically sound church, investing time serving others. I also encourage you to find a Christian counselor.

  44. Open up to someone as a starting place – a sibling, parent, friend, school counselor, coach, psychologist, pastor. There are trusted people who will listen and help.

  45. Learn about anxiety and other mental health issues – not only for your benefit but to be a help to others.

  46. Keep a daily routine.

  47. Satan lurks, attacks, lies and deceives. The best way to fight him is with the armor of God.

  48. Once you become familiar with God’s Word, obedience is the key.

  49. Every choice, great and small, has a consequence.

  50. The high road faces upward, toward the face of God, who sees and knows every thought, every detail of our lives, and still loves us with an “everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3)

  51. Watching pornography means you’re giving in to the flesh rather than following the path of righteousness that believers have. This life will one day end and we will stand before our Creator. Why spend this life living against His goodness and the blessings that can be reaped from obeying Him?

  52. I heard in church “There’s more grace in Christ than sin in me.” Amen.

  53. Obedience to God is essential to truly living an abundant life as a Christian.

  54. We have to want sin to end and want to sweep the enemy from our heads/hearts in order to conquer the sin in our lives.

  55. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

  56. Live in the moment and make the most of each day because we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

  57. “For our light and momentary trouble are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthains 4:17-18).

  58. Live one day at a time. Build good habits (sleep, work, nutrition, exercise, church).

  59. God has gifted each of us. Every good gift comes from Him and with Him “all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26)

  60. The problem is me, but the solution is Jesus Christ. God the Father allows things to happen in our lives to bring glory to Him. To God be the glory!