7 Simple Tasks to Stay on Track with OCD

OCD is very unpleasant to live with, but it can be overcome or, at the very least, managed. I still struggle with some things, but overall I’m much better now than I was in years past.  Here are 7 Simple Tasks to Stay on Track with OCD: 1.) A daily calendar is...

The 5 Best Ways to Deal with Toxic People

I’ve had my fair share of dealing with toxic people. In Colorado alone, I can think of five very difficult people I’ve had to deal with! Though they are unpleasant, I have found ways to deal with these difficult people. Please read on to find out how. The first piece...

Ways to Stop a Panic Attack

At times, my whole life has felt like a panic attack. It is such an unpleasant experience. However, I’ve discovered ways to battle this overwhelming feeling: 1.) Go for a walk. Walk at a fast pace if needed. Being in sunlight and getting vitamin D is good. 2.) Focus...

Battling Depression

I battled deep depression and intense anxiety for decades. They fed off each other. I was so anxious that I avoided people, and I was so depressed that I just wanted to sleep, eat (junk food), and watch sports and Seinfeld. I was emotionally drained, so I spent a lot...